Irrigation System Design
Irrigation Design
JH Consulting Engineers & Associates
About Our Partners
JH Consulting Engineers was established in 1996 by Johannes Viljoen after leaving the former KaNgwane Government as Head Engineer: Water Provision.
We are an agricultural and Water Engineering consultancy specializing in irrigation and handling projects on a turnkey basis. This means to be involved in design, supply of material and installation of equipment.
Agricultural Engineers help feed the world by combining scientific and Engineering knowledge to find unique solutions that make our natural resources more usable while conserving and replenishing them and protecting our environment.

By virtue of our education, training and experience, we are uniquely qualified to design the equipment, systems, and methods that continue the technological advancement in food and agribusiness.
Our focus is placed on all needs of the modern day farmers in South Africa due to the need for poverty alleviation and the role agriculture can play in this regard. Emphasis is also placed on the needs of small-scale farmers. The development of small-scale farmer projects are thus addressed within the Sustainable Rural Livelihoods projects. In these projects all the necessary disciplines are integrated in specific projects to enhance meaningful and sustainable development. An important aspect of our program is human capacity building.
Design, supply and construction of infrastructure at farms , that includes bulk water supply, earth wall dams, irrigation and pump stations. Consultation between farmer, Engineer, Economist and production Manager to determine what are the best possibilities for the Farmer as well as the Farm.
Design of vegetable gardens for communities. We have developed and designed a unique concept in Broiler houses, specifically with the minimum cost in mind.
Systems to provide water to rural areas and stands. The design, specifications, tender documents, appointment of contractors and quality control for the development of reinforced concrete reservoirs and pipelines for water provision to households.
The design of water harvesting methods, slow sand filters, roughing filters, water purification systems, concrete reservoirs and reticulation.
Includes design and construction of concrete beams and slabs, design of category 1 and 2 dams, concrete bridges and waterways, pump stations and bulk water systems.
We specialized in the design and installation of pump houses, overhead sprinklers, drip and micro irrigation in the whole region of Southern Africa, Namibia, Swaziland and Mozambique.
We specialized in the design and installation of pump houses, overhead sprinklers, drip and micro irrigation in the whole region of Southern Africa, Namibia, Swaziland and Mozambique.
We used the latest technology to optimize and analyze existing Irrigation systems. We survey the irrigation system, determine the exact pumps flow and pressures, alter the irrigation system for the most efficient way to irrigate and therefore unable the farmer to supply water the most effective way, to the point of use. We also determine the water use of the crop, alter the discharge flow of the outlet nozzles, redesign the whole irrigation system and optimize the electricity use.
What our partners do
Projects & History
TENDER DOCUMENTS – Compiling of Tender documents, design, BOQ, appointment of
Contractors, quality control, inspections and commissioning of systems.
CIVIL CONSTRUCTIONS – Design of warehouses, steel structures, Dam design and construction of category 1 & 2 dams. Residential buildings and concrete beams and slabs. Design and construction of concrete reservoirs and canals. Design and construction of Water Reticulation systems.
AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING – The surveying, mapping, design, BOQ’s, compiling of Tender documents for numerous irrigation projects. All the facets of Poverty Alleviation Projects; – water provision to rural areas, vegetable gardens, broilers and piggery units.
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2018-2022 | Detailed Engineering designs of external and infield infrastructure for COFAMOSA irrigation project in Mozambique | Maputo Provincial directorate of Agriculture and Food security | Design 10 780 ha of sugarcane and food crops under centre pivot and solid sprinkler system. Design includes: Main pump system from |Sabi River, secondary pump station from lake to cane fields, main pipelines, 160 centre pivots, inland pipe distribution, roads, drainage systems, management offices. This design includes hydraulic calculations, drawings, costing and tender documents. | R2,5 Billion |
Edidor farm Malelane – Design, supply and construction of a permanent sprinkler system for suger cane (60ha). |
Private own R. v/d Berg |
The design, supply and construction of 60 ha of permanent sprinkler system including pumps, under ground piping and above sprinkler equiptment. Optimization of Irrigation system: Hydrualic calculations, pumps and piping |
R2,7 Million |
Bellvue and South field Farm – Irrigation of Macadamia’s |
Private own P Robson |
The design and optimization of the irrigation system. Supply 70 ha of Mirco equipment including pumps, under ground piping and filter equipment. | R2,1 Million |
Waters meet Farm – Irrigation of Macadamia’s |
Private own P Robson |
The design and optimization of the irrigation system. Supply 80 ha of Mirco equipment including pumps, under ground piping and filter equipment. | R3 Million |
Farm: 2 Sisters, Boschfontein and Sobabili _ Barberton Area | Dept. of Land Affairs | The design, supply and installation of 150 ha drip, Mirco and Sprinkler irrigation systems with four Pump and filter stations.. | R5,5 Million |
SCGA RWKS, Design, supply and commissioning of 9 pump houses for small holders Big Bend, Swaziland | European Union (EU) | Design, supply and commissioning of 9 pump houses (Civil, Mechanical and Electrical) for small holders in Swaziland. | R7,1 Million |
Design, supply and Commissioning of 161 Ha irrigation system, Big Bend, Swaziland |
Swaziland Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise (SWADE) | Design, supply and commissioning of 161 Ha irrigation. A turnkey project. | R7,1 Million |
2015 | Construction of Rainwater harvesting Infrastructure White River | Ecolink | Mjejane – Design and construction of a 50m³ temporary holding tank, a 800m³ earth dam, and the installation of a delivery pipe to community garden | R442 275.00 |
2014 | Kruger Park Lodge | Legacy Hotels | Brotherton dam spillway foundation. Hippo dam wall & spillway enlargement. Clearing of Hippo Creek. |
R650 280.00 |
2013 | Zakhaleni Farm – Irrigation and broiler project | Dept. of Land Affairs | The design, supply and installation of 20 ha drip irrigation as well as design and construction of 6 broiler units for 700 birds per unit | R2,7 Million |
2012 | Quathquan Farm – Irrigation scheme | Dept. of Land Affairs | The Design, supply and installation of 40 ha drip irrigation | R1,7 Million |
2012 |
Endlovini Farm – Irrigation scheme
Dept. of Land Affairs | Design and Commissioning of 80Ha drip irrigation | R2,5 Million |
2012-2013 | Insimu Yami Agricultural Youth Co-operative Farm | MASDT | Design, supply, installation of 20 Ha drip irrigation as well as Broiler production – 3 units of 2500 birds | R1,9 Million |
2011 – 2013 | The integrated study and project preparation for Cofamosa irrigation project | Direcção Provincial de Agricultlura de Maputo | Technical Design of bulk water, main pipe line and distribution pipes for 15000 ha. Design and optimize 8 x 1 000 mm diameter pipelines to supply water to the cane fields. Design 280 centre pivots with 3 000 ha of permanent sprinkler system. Two pump stations of 12 000 kWatt were design to deliver water to the cane fields. | R2 Billion |
2011 | The design, supply, installation and commissioning of 6 irrigation systems at Big Bend, Swaziland | Swaziland Water and Agricultural Development Enterprise (SWADE) | The design, supply, installation and commissioning of 6 drip irrigation systems at Big Bend, Swaziland. A turnkey project. | R5,8 Million |
2011 | Construction of Rainwater harvesting Infrastructure White river | Ecolink |
Luphisi – Construction of a 1000m³ earth dam, and the installation of delivery pipe. Mbonisweni – Construction and installation of a 300m³ Aqua dam as well as installation of a pipe line. Dwaleni – Construction of a 50m³ brick tank, and the installation of guttering materials. |
R1,6 Million |
2010 – 2012 | Saringwa Irrigation project – 280 ha | Dept. of Agriculture & Land Admin. | 380 Ha drip irrigation for Mango’s, designed to be managed from one single control office. . | R15 Million |
2010 – 2011 | Pre-feasibility study of small earth dams and water receptacles in Shiselweni and Lubombo regions | Ministry of Agriculture in Swaziland and FAO | Compiled a Pre-feasibility Study to determine which potential sites meet the minimum requirements for development of earth dams to serve the communities with water for livestock and crop irrigation purposes. 9 Potential dam sites were investigated. | R500 000 |
2010 | Hippo dam – Kruger Park lodge (Mpumalanga) | Legacy Hotels | Spillway enlargement and dam wall repairs. | R1,5 Million |
2009 | Maguiguane & Macuvalane – De Xinavane (Mozambique) | Agricane, Tongaat Sugar. | A mobile pump system was build to extract water from the Nkomati River Mozambique. 340 ha of sugarcane are currently irrigated under a sprinkler system. A turnkey project. | R15 Million |
2009 | Jatophra Project – Katima Mulilo, Namibia | Namibian Government in conjunction with an Indian and Israeli Company | A research project to establish which plant of 215 different varieties’ adapting to the climate the best. 100 ha were put under drip irrigation as well as a pump station were built on the banks of the Zambezi river. | R6 Million |
2008 | Water reticulation – Mayflower, Oshoek in Mpumalanga | Dept. of Forestry in Mpumalanga | A 125mm PVC pipe was designed to supply the water from the reservoir. Water is gravity feed to 16 households as well as a fire protection extraction point to combat bush fires. | R3 Million |
2008 | Ngonini Estates (Swaziland) 360 ha | Ngonini Estates | A drip irrigation system for bananas. Water was pumped from an off-storage dam. A unique pulls-system was used to irrigate three times per day. The fruit is of excellent quality and is currently exported to Europe. A turnkey project. | R7 Million |
2004- 2007 | Poverty Alleviation – In association with Marc-Dev & Ass. | Government of Limpopo | A total of 119 vegetable gardens were implemented for the community. 300 Broiler houses, 6 Abattoirs, 60 nursery tunnels and 15 piggery units. This includes the design, drawings, BOQ and supervision during construction. | R50 Million |
Goodhouse Farm (Northern Cape) 600ha
Government Of Northern Cape |
Over 550 ha of Paprika were planted as a community project on a Kibbutz system. Bulk water was pumped from the Orange River to an off-storage dam. 55 Pumps were installed to supply water to the paprika on a drip system. A turnkey project. | R35 Million |
Before 2006 | Irrigation Projects in the Nkomazi, Nzikasi and Shakastad Area (800 ha) | Dept. of Agriculture | Sprinkler, drip and micro systems were design and installed for mainly sugar cane and vegetables to establish small scale farmers. | R7 Million |
Bulk water supply to human and animals in the Mpumalanga Region. | Dept. of Agriculture | A total of 10 cat. 1 and 2 earth and concrete dam walls were design and build to supply water to human and animals. | R9 Million | |
Tonga rice Development (Nkomazi Region 200ha |
Government of Mpumalanga Dept. of Agriculture | A paddy system was designed to grow 300ha of rice for a community project on a Kibbutz system. Bulk water was extract from the Nkomati River with a 15 km concrete canal and supply water to the rice fields. A contour paddy’s system was design that was much more cost effective than the old conventional paddy system. | R4 Million | |
Irrigation Systems: Survey, design Irrigation Projects in the Nkomazi, Nzikasi and Shakastad Area (800 ha) | Dept of Agriculture | Sprinkler, drip and micro systems were design and installed for mainly sugar cane and vegetables to establish small scale farmers. | R7 Million | |
Irrigation Systems: Survey, design and supply Irrigation equipment to private farms in Mpumalanga, mainly for Avocado’s, Macadamia’s and citrus. | Private farms – Mpumalanga | 600 ha of mainly avocado’, macadamia’s and citrus were design under drip and micro irrigation. A total of 32 pump stations with filter units were designed and constructed. | R9 Million |